October 21, 2021
Plaque on the reunion of Mar Ivanios

In the year of the Lord
one thousand nine hundred and thirty (1930),
during the papacy of His Holiness Pope Pius XI,
on September 20, Saturday at 4:00 p.m. in this episcopal chapel
His Grace Archbishop Mar Ivanios O.I.C., M.A.,
His Lordship Bishop Mar Theophilos O.I.C., Rev. Fr. John O.I.C.
Rev. Deacon Alexander (Later Fr. Seraphion O.I.C).
Sri. Chacko Kilileth (Representing the Clergy & Laity of the
Jacobite Church in Kerala), having made their profession of faith,
were received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
By His Excellency Bishop Aloysius Maria Benzigner O.C.D.
Bishop of Quilon
whom the Archbishop approached for help and whom the Holy See deputed
to perform the reception
in the honourable presence of
Mar Alexander Choolaparambil, Bishop of Kottayam,
Mar James Kalacherry, Bishop of Changanacherry and
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Periera, The Bishop elect of Kottar.
This historic event was followed by
the very First Holy Mass in the Catholic
Syro-Antiochian rite officiate by the Metropolitan Archbishop
His Grace Mar Ivanios on Sunday, 21st September 1930 at 07:30 a.m.
on the main Altar (still preserved intact) in this chapel.
To perpetuate the Historic Event of Reunion of
Malankara Church, this detailed plaque was placed
by Bishop Stanley Roman, Bishop of Quilon on
17th August 2003.

The Knanayology Foundation (Knanaya Global Foundation NFP), a non-profit organization registered in IL, USA, hosts Knanayology and undertakes other projects on Knanaya Community .