Page 15 - Kids Club Book 2015-16_Inside Pages Final.pmd
P. 15

         What is the meaning of Alleluia?
              Praise God
         What is the Missal?
              The book which contains the prayers said by the priest at the altar as well as all that is
                officially read or sung in connection with the offering of the Mass
         What are the other names of Mass?
              The breaking of the bread
              The Lord’s supper
              The Eucharist
              The Offering
              The Holy Sacrifice

                                TEN COMMANDMENTS

         1. I am the LORD your God: you shall not have other Gods before me
              God made our world and created each one of us.
                 He wants us to know that He loves us and that He will always be with us.
              There are times when we forget and we make other people and things more important
                (Example: Sports, Dance, Music, Movie, Toys etc.).  That is wrong.
         2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain
              No one should dishonor anyone’s name.  Especially God’s name.
              God’s name should be:
                 a. Spoken with respect.
                 b. Prayed to with care
         3. Remember to keep holy the LORD’S Day
              Our Lord wants us to have a day of rest. A day when we can put aside our work and
                just think of how much we are loved by God. That special day is the Sabbath. That’s
                the Lord’s Day.
              We go to church on the Sabbath to spend time with Our God. We listen to God’s
                Word at church and pray for each other.
         4. Honor your father and your mother
              God gives you life but He shares that gift He has given with your Father and Mother.
                He wants them to show you how to love by the love they give to you and each other.
              Parents are your best teachers. They teach you lots of wonderful things including how
                much God loves you.
              Other people, like grandparents, aunts, uncles, schoolteachers, and priests, have that
                special gift from God also. They need to be treated with honor and respect, too.
              Praying for their souls after death is part of honoring them.

         Private use only                         13

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