Page 1 - Edessa, 'The Blessed City'-01, by J. B. Segal (Oxford, 1970). Chapters 1-3
P. 1


                      'THE            BLESSED                  CITY'

                                       BY   J.  B. SEGAL


                                'The  city that  . . . was  ruled by Christians
                                and  alone served  the  Lord when, long ago,
                                the  whole  world  in  the  East  was  under
                                          the  sway of pagans.'
                                Pope Eugenius III to King Louis VII  of France
                                            I  December  1145

                                        Google Images:

                                        Pool of Abraham at Edessa

                                        Mosaics of Edessa
                                        Ancient Edessa

                                        Mosaics of Harran
                                        Ancient Harran

                              AT   THE    CLARENDON PRESS


                      This material is presented solely for non-commercial educational/research purposes.

                                   Pearlman  M e m o r i a l  Library
                                      C e n t r a l  SioU  College
                                      Springfield,  Missouri
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